Minggu, 03 Mei 2009



1. Language : System of arbitrary vocal symbol used for human communication.
2. Philosophy : Is a language that became the source of human’s life and power.
3. Linguist : Is in a broad agreement about some important characteristics of human language and definition of a language widely associated with linguistics maybe used to illustrate areas of agreement.
4. System : Orderly way of doing something or is a set of interesting or independent entities, real or abstract, forming an integrated whole.
5. Arbitrary : Is mean that the relation between a word and it’s meaning is a matter of convention.
6. Vocal : Is the primary medium of language is sound, and it is sound for all language, no matter how well develop are the writing systems.
7. Symbols : Is to the fact that there is no connection between the sounds that people use and the objects to those sounds refer.
8. Human : Is characteristic of people, contrasted with animals or machine.
9. Communication: Is a process in which information is transmitted from a source – the sender – to a goal – the receiver.
10. Sounds : that which are heard or are vibration transmitted trough a solid liquid, or gas composed of frequenties the range of hearing of a level sufficiently strong to be heard.
11. Meaning : What is received to or indicated by sounds, word or signal.
12. Writing : The activity or occupation of writing or the representation of language in a textual medium through the use of a signs or symbols.
13. Convention : A conferences of members a profession.
14. Productive : Product or table to produce goods or crops.
15. Creative : evaluate the skill full and imaginative use of something to produce.
16. Recursion : Sentences maybe produced with other sentences in side them by means of relative or by using conjunction.
17. Social phenomenon : Language is processed by society the speech community of a particular language.
18. Psychological phenomenon : That language belongs, to individual person.
19. Speech community : A group of people in particular social relation.
20. Language as human : The kind of system that interest us is processed only by human beings and is very different from the communication systems.


1. I think that language department student including English department student, need to know the phenomena of language because language is part of our life in the “ocean of language” and most of our interaction is conducted by using language,. However, not all of people ask question “what is language?” language is a complex but also interaction phenomena to be understood linguistics have been trying and express what the language is.
2. I think that the studies of language could be interesting as well as challenge because language teachers have been trying to find and develop methods or techniques of how to teach language well. So that, studying hard language actually interesting and challenging.
3. Language is system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for communications.
4. The characteristics of human language are :
 The first one is that language is systematic. What does is mean? When we think of language as mode of sounds, we soon find out that only certain sounds in anyone languages and that these occur in certain, regular and predictable concuosly. Language is a highly organized system. In which each unity plays an important part which is related to the part.
 Secondly, language is productive or creative. This characteristic prefer to the ability of native speaker to understand and produce any number of sentences in their mother tongue,
 Thirdly, language is recursion. Recursion means the sentences maybe produced with other sentences inside them by means of relativization (dependent or independent clause) or by conjunction.
 The fourth characteristic of language is arbitrary. It is meaning that the relation between a word and it’s meaning is a mater of convention. There is no necessary or logical connection between the sounds people use and the topics to which these sounds refer to.
5. Language as psychological phenomena refers to the fact that language is possessed by individual person. Language is “inside” our self in linguistics. The phenomena of language as psychological are learned in psychological.


1. Which I mean by communication is a process in which information is transmitted from a source – the sender – in a goal – the receiver.
2. The communication process at least involves five steps :
 Encoding ; The information into a symbolic system. All communication uses signals or symbols if a person war’s to transmit the information “I am really thirsty”, he or she must first put that information into symbolic system of language in this case in the English language.
 Selecting a mode of communication. Next he or she may choose to verbalize this message, or opposed to writing it or miming it.
 Delivering the symbols through a medium. A medium is the physical basis for communication, for example light, air, or ink. In this case, the medium is the air which conveys the sound waves of a verbalized message.
 Perceptual processing of the symbols by the receiver. If the communication is to occur, a receiver must perceive the symbols; the receiver must see or hear or feel the symbols sent. In this example, the human ears receive the sound waves.
 Decoding of the symbols to obtain the information. Even if the receiver perceives the symbols. Nothing is communicated unless the receiver is able to decode the message contained in the sound waves.
3. Different between vocal communication and non vocal communication is if vocal communication is the communication by means of sound (language) and non vocal communication is that by means of sound (non language)
4. Some of the non vocal communications usually used by various types of animals are as follow :
 Scent; it is chemically based. Scent communication is used by different species such as molds, insect, and mammals. Chemical substances used by animals specifically for communicative purpose are called pheremones.
 Light; probably the best known light user in North America is firefly or lightning-bug.
 Electricity; certain species of eels in the Amazon River basin communicate their presence and territoriality by means of electrical impulses.
 Color; the color-or color pattern-of many animals plays an important role in their identification by members of their own species and other animals.
 Facial expressions; these are specific types of gesture that communicate meaning.
 Posture; this is a common communication device among animals.
 Gesture; a gesture maybe defined as active posturing.
5. No, it is not. Because vocal; communication and non vocal communication is different, vocal communication is sounds or language of human for communication.
6. Human language is learned and creative. What does this statement mean?? Learned and creative, learned as a result what as main discuses about human communication system in this part is human language even though some point about human communication system general are include. This characteristic refers to the ability of native speakers to understand and produce any number of sentences in their mother tongue. Native speaker are able to produce or create various sentences or expression almost without any serious problems at any speech event.
7. What are the three systems of human language??
The three systems are in the form of speech, writing and gesture for must people. Speech is the basic systems of communication over space and through time. At is great importance in human history and in complex society would be hard to overestimate. The rate of gesture is less obvious. Gesture is physical manipulation that is neither verbal not graphic but is communication.
8. Lip reading is a combination of speech and gesture it is really only a part of what the deaf generally call face reading.
9. Kinesics is the study of the positioning and movement of the body and it’s part during conversation.
10. “social space” varies from culture to culture. It is mean that every culture of country is different in communication like individuals from the middle east and certain Mediteranian countries position them selves much more closely to each other during speech thet American and Northen Europeans.


1. I think that language has a highly important role in our life because language is a part of our life. We life in “the ocean of language” and the most of our interactions is conducted by using language. Actually we must need a language for communication with other.
2. Not all communication system could be categories as language. The communication system possessed by animals and plants are not as language just the communication of human being is as a language has a highly important role in human’s life.
3. The characteristics of language there are :
 The first language is systematic,
 The secondly language is productive and creative,
 The thirdly language is recursion, and
 The forth characteristic of language is arbitrary.
4. That language is systematic it is mean when we think of language as made up of sounds, we soon find out that only certain sounds in any one language and that these occur in certain regular and predictable patterns.
5. Language is productive or creative refer to the ability of native speakers to understand and produced any numbers of sentences (even though those they have never heard before) in their mother tongue.
6. Language is recursion it means that sentences maybe produced with other sentences inside them by means of relativization (dependent and independent clause) or by using conjunction.
7. Language is arbitrary it mean the relation between a word and it’s meaning is a matter of convention. There is no necessary connection between the sounds people use and the topics to which these sound refer.
8. Language is social phenomena it mean language is prosess by society the speech community of a particular language.


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